Recently I found an old house from around the early 1900s' which was empty and overgrown with grass and weeds. Did a search on the appraisal district site and found who owned the property. The owner had passed so I contacted the daughter who lives in California, we had a chat and told her what I was after. She told me that her dad had lost his WWII dogtags in the yard and if I found them she would like to have them, of course I said yes. Then she told me her dad had willed the property to The Salvation Army which was based in Dallas, Tx. I contacted the person in charge and explained what had taken place. I also said that if given permission I would clean up the place, cut the grass/weeds and removed all the debris. She said it would be brought up at the next board meeting. She sent ma an email yesterday and said the board members had denied my request. I replied that was fine but that the board members needed to get the place cleaned up or the city would do it for them and charge them. I don't know what it would of hurt to hunt this old run down place and maybe return a set of old dogtags to the man's daughter. Some of my friends say to just go in there, cut the grass and hunt but I am not one for trespassing, not worth the embarrassment. Thanks for letting me vent some. I am also one of those guys like many of you that always puts money in the Salvation Army's kettle when they are standing outside WalMart. HH John