Back to a 1820 property I have searched some before. First few signal were mostly trash then worked into a decent spot. Found a pair of small buckles and horse tack, finally got a nice 12/44 out popped the bat wing buckle. Ten feet away 12/42 at 8" a Nova Caesarea NJ copper, my second one this year, well worn no date.
[attachment 274574 9-18NJF.jpg] [attachment 274575 9-18NJR.jpg]
Next signal was the decorative button. Next signal was a 12/43/44 at 7" thought maybe a silver dime, wrong, another 42' Walker, YES! My fourth half this year.
[attachment 274580 9-18Walker.jpg]
Not 5 feet away found the 20' Merc and then the silver plated spoon. Almost didn't go today, glad I did.
[attachment 274576 9-18Coins.jpg] [attachment 274578 9-18Total.jpg]
Thanks for looking
[attachment 274574 9-18NJF.jpg] [attachment 274575 9-18NJR.jpg]
Next signal was the decorative button. Next signal was a 12/43/44 at 7" thought maybe a silver dime, wrong, another 42' Walker, YES! My fourth half this year.
[attachment 274580 9-18Walker.jpg]
Not 5 feet away found the 20' Merc and then the silver plated spoon. Almost didn't go today, glad I did.
[attachment 274576 9-18Coins.jpg] [attachment 274578 9-18Total.jpg]
Thanks for looking