I'm just curious. I've been going through this site and the mine lab site plus my owners manual and I've noticed that the preset patterns #1, 2 and 3 don't match the preset patterns in the owners manual. I know that I can accept and reject any TID on the scale but I didn't think I needed to mess with the preset patterns. When I go back to factory preset settings to start over, the factory presets aren't even close to what the manual shows. Pattern # 1 for instance has the negative numbers rejected and number 48 just as the manual shows. It also rejects several other TID's on the scale. I have to reject the ones in the middle manually. It just makes me wonder if there may be other things from the factory that aren't set correctly. I've been very happy with the machine but it does make me wonder if I've been walking past some targets that I should have been digging up. I'm still very much a novice so I hope this makes sense. Thanks in advance for any help and advice.