Pete in MI
New member
The wife writes:
Dear Ones,
Please go to bat for us in prayer this weekend. We have had some problems with termites, and contacted our house insurance company for help with the repair. The insurance adjuster sent 4 different contractors to look at the damage and finally an engineer, who said the damage was due to water leaking in our wall that brought in termites, who eat damp wood. So, our adjuster approved the work and today the contractors came and opened up the wall and found a disgusting sight. The main load-bearing beam that is the width of our house and holds up our entire second floor is riddled like swiss cheese by termite damage. Rather than drywall over it like they told the insurance company would have to be done, the whole beam needs replaced, it's structural integrity has been severly compromised, and it's already starting to collapse. A permit will have to be pulled, the ceiling will have to be braced, and a new beam brought in, so this is going to be much more extensive and expensive than the estimate they gave the insurance company. Here's the real dilemma --- our house insurance does not cover any kind of insect damage. So, it will be up to our adjuster and the kindness of his heart, whether this will be approved or not. If he considers it due to water damage -- and the water bringing in the termites, it will most likely be approved. However, if he looks at this as just plain old termite damage, we are sunk. We told the contractors there's no way we could pay for this ourselves (it's about $8,000 worth of damage), so that if our insurance adjuster did not approve it, they wouldn't have to worry about doing the job. Here's my prayer request -- please ask God to soften our adjustor's heart towards us (his name is Tim), and move him to approve the job so that our insurance company will pay for the repair work. There's no way we can fix it ourselves, or pay for the work, or even sell the house the way it is.
I hope you don't think this a frivolous prayer request, we feel that our backs are up against a wall on this one.
Thank you for your prayers,
The family is Bob, Maggie and Anna (Anna is Casey's best friend)
Dear Ones,
Please go to bat for us in prayer this weekend. We have had some problems with termites, and contacted our house insurance company for help with the repair. The insurance adjuster sent 4 different contractors to look at the damage and finally an engineer, who said the damage was due to water leaking in our wall that brought in termites, who eat damp wood. So, our adjuster approved the work and today the contractors came and opened up the wall and found a disgusting sight. The main load-bearing beam that is the width of our house and holds up our entire second floor is riddled like swiss cheese by termite damage. Rather than drywall over it like they told the insurance company would have to be done, the whole beam needs replaced, it's structural integrity has been severly compromised, and it's already starting to collapse. A permit will have to be pulled, the ceiling will have to be braced, and a new beam brought in, so this is going to be much more extensive and expensive than the estimate they gave the insurance company. Here's the real dilemma --- our house insurance does not cover any kind of insect damage. So, it will be up to our adjuster and the kindness of his heart, whether this will be approved or not. If he considers it due to water damage -- and the water bringing in the termites, it will most likely be approved. However, if he looks at this as just plain old termite damage, we are sunk. We told the contractors there's no way we could pay for this ourselves (it's about $8,000 worth of damage), so that if our insurance adjuster did not approve it, they wouldn't have to worry about doing the job. Here's my prayer request -- please ask God to soften our adjustor's heart towards us (his name is Tim), and move him to approve the job so that our insurance company will pay for the repair work. There's no way we can fix it ourselves, or pay for the work, or even sell the house the way it is.
I hope you don't think this a frivolous prayer request, we feel that our backs are up against a wall on this one.
Thank you for your prayers,
The family is Bob, Maggie and Anna (Anna is Casey's best friend)