...our dog;Rocky,has had tumors removed from his nose in the past-He has been losing weight lately;and has been bleeding out of his nose for the last couple of days.I told my wife to make an appointment with our personal vet-We have to have him there Saturday at 11;15-I told my wife to prepare for the worst;for I believe that growth in his nose has become cancerous-and if it has;I WILL NOT let him suffer with it-She said the vet wont let him suffer;either...
So;let me tell ya all about Rocky;as I sit here and cry-He is 10 years old;and as much a member of this family as a human-He loves everybody;has never met a human he didnt like-He does EVERYTHING with us-camping;going for long rides;-I KNOW:MAYBE I AM JUMPING THE GUN ON THIS ONE;AND HE WILL BE FINE-But I got that feeling about this;and I dont think I am wrong-PRAYERS FOR ROCKY FROM EVERTBODY,PLEASE!!... I will let you all know this weekend ..........