PLEASE,PLEASERAY FOR MY SISTER!!!This is the short version-she has a $133,000.00 mortgage on her house,a SECOND $82,000,00-on the SAME house-she co-signed a 2nd mortgage for her oldest son-so HE can buy a 2nd house(He is close to losing his 1st house thru forclosure);;Her youngest son in debt to credit cards into the mid-30's(she told me his MINIMUM payments on these credit cards is$812.00 a monthWhat does she do?Her and her husband have some of his credit-card accounts transferred into their names-WHY???Her answer:"So they can get a better interest rate-because their youngest son is a high credit risk".......So,I ask you allLEASE PRAY FOR THEM-i love my sister and her family dearly,but,to put it bluntly;NONE of them have the financial common sense of a tree-frog-they all are standing at the edge of the abyss-one little nudge,and down they all go..I told her yesterday"the LORD help you if any one of you get sick and cant work'..she looked at me and said something like"THAT would be the final curtain"......