boomers dad
New member
..........My wife's brother is married to a woman that;puttin it nicely,is NOT VERY NICE to my wife's brother.....EVERYTHING the man says,or does,is WRONG,according to his wife,and wastes no time telling the whole world about it good and loud.NOW,I have first-hand knowledge of what thats like-my1st marriage........ the last few years of it was"GUESS WHAT STEVE SAID OR DID WRONG TODAY??EVERYTHING-HA HA!!!"-No joke-thats what it was like.She took comfort out of belitteling me in front of my mother and sisters; just like my brother in law's wife does-To the point now that my in-laws want nothing to do with her. OKAY,I know ;I do make mistakes-but EVERYTHING YA DO OR SAY???Come on,now........SO
rayers for my wife's family;please-I JUST HATE to see anybody treated like that:veryangry: