Keep on praying for Paul in KY. He has good news, but keep on praying for God to heal him! Here is Pauls post!
As some of you know already, I've been fighting Small Cell Lung Cancer since last December. Went through 5 3day rounds of Chemo, 46 Radiation treatments, 16 Sessions of Cranial Radation. Etc Etc. I was in remission for about 6 months but It came back. 5 tumors in my liver, adrenal glad, lympth nodes, and lungs. Doc put me at a level 4 which basicly means I'm SOL and asked if I wanted pallitive chemo treatment or start Hospice. I chose chemo. Now, after 4 sessions of chemo I had a CT and bone scan and things are looking up. In fact the doc is truely surprised. The tumor on my Adrenal glad has gone from 3cm to less than 1. The tumor on my lympth node has shrank to less than a pencil eraser and the tumors in my lungs and liver are completely gone. Looks as if I'm going to be hanging around for a while!! Thanks gang for all the prayers over the months, I know they have helped. Thanks for letting me share. Its good to know I have friends here that are in my corner during my fight. HH
As some of you know already, I've been fighting Small Cell Lung Cancer since last December. Went through 5 3day rounds of Chemo, 46 Radiation treatments, 16 Sessions of Cranial Radation. Etc Etc. I was in remission for about 6 months but It came back. 5 tumors in my liver, adrenal glad, lympth nodes, and lungs. Doc put me at a level 4 which basicly means I'm SOL and asked if I wanted pallitive chemo treatment or start Hospice. I chose chemo. Now, after 4 sessions of chemo I had a CT and bone scan and things are looking up. In fact the doc is truely surprised. The tumor on my Adrenal glad has gone from 3cm to less than 1. The tumor on my lympth node has shrank to less than a pencil eraser and the tumors in my lungs and liver are completely gone. Looks as if I'm going to be hanging around for a while!! Thanks gang for all the prayers over the months, I know they have helped. Thanks for letting me share. Its good to know I have friends here that are in my corner during my fight. HH