New member
so ill and almost went to the ER. But really too sick to make it there and toughed it out. Had so much congestion on my lungs, which would not loosen up while coughing. Now I have sore muscles that I didn't realize I had.
Well, anyway, Praise God...satan didn't win this one and I'm still here to aggrivate him and do the work of my Lord and Savior, Jesus! When we glorify and praise our Lord through our service for Him, the devil will try to stop us in any way he can and one of them is to make us too ill to do anything or kill us....but we have Jesus and He will not allow satan to destroy us!
Thank you all for your prayers and I believe I will be able to serve Him more and more! Sat & Sun nites were the worst but I have overcome....Thank You, Jesus! My cough is easier, my congestion has loosened up and I'm not as achy...Thanks to your prayers and my homemade chicken soup! Watch out satan here I come, so get thee hence and hearing God's scriptures....you must flee!
Thanks also for putting up all last year with this ole, lady! And may you younguns have happy hunts and be blessed in serving our Lord with gladness!
God Bless!
Sister Betty (Ma)
Well, anyway, Praise God...satan didn't win this one and I'm still here to aggrivate him and do the work of my Lord and Savior, Jesus! When we glorify and praise our Lord through our service for Him, the devil will try to stop us in any way he can and one of them is to make us too ill to do anything or kill us....but we have Jesus and He will not allow satan to destroy us!
Thank you all for your prayers and I believe I will be able to serve Him more and more! Sat & Sun nites were the worst but I have overcome....Thank You, Jesus! My cough is easier, my congestion has loosened up and I'm not as achy...Thanks to your prayers and my homemade chicken soup! Watch out satan here I come, so get thee hence and hearing God's scriptures....you must flee!
Thanks also for putting up all last year with this ole, lady! And may you younguns have happy hunts and be blessed in serving our Lord with gladness!
God Bless!
Sister Betty (Ma)