many, many, many years, so I know what you mean. I want to give up but we cannot do that! As long as we have breath, we need to pray for them to draw nearer to Jesus and He will draw near to them. It has to be by their choice, but He can use any means to get their attention and when they will call out to Him for help! It isn't in our time or in our way, but in His time and in their time when they truly need Him! Sometimes we pray for God to help them when they are in a situation that would cause them to cry out to Him, but we plead with God to have mercy on them and He does just to please us, His Children!
So, I pray, Lord do what needs to be done to save them and fill them with the baptism of the Holy Spirit but please don't let satan harm their bodies nor take their souls! But I also pray, God whatever needs to be done than do it, but I hope it's not too severe of a situation....Yet, I sure would like them to be with me in Heaven!
I know if Tami lives long enough she will be a worker for the Lord and be used like He is using me for His glory! She has a sweet spirit! But she hasn't lived like she should and is mad at God for the death of her baby and the problems and sicknesses in her life....not realizing her lifestyle of sin is what is causing her to be troubled like she is!
May our dear Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, hear our prayers and move on ours and our children's behalf and make new creations out of them really, really soon! The Rapture of the saints may be sooner than we think! Therefore, Let us pray, God save those who will be saved and come quickly, Lord Jesus!! Amen!!
God Bless!
Betty (Ma)