This picture is of a rural picnic grounds, circa 1880. The site was host to picnics and annual "horse races" between the local farmers. If you look to the left of the "big top" tent, you can see the oval track. On the hillslope to the right, wives and children gathered in the grove for other picnic events.
[attachment 130911 asitlookedin1885.jpg]
Having studied the local histories of many counties in this part of the State, I knew within 5 or 6 miles as to where the event took place. But believe me when I tell you that there a lot of hills and creeks within an area 25 - 35 square miles. And since this event was not held after 1889, no one living today knew exactly where it was held. My brother and I spent the better part of three years trying to narrow down where the old track layed out. Finally, we found a site that resembled the terrain displayed in the picture. Hillslope, creek, trees etc.
[attachment 130909 howitlooksnow.jpg]
After gaining permission to metal detect the site, we wandered around the corn field, finding "traces" of what had been left behind. (glass, pottery, nails, lead and an occassional coin) Plotting the location of each "target" to a map, we were able to reconstruct our interpretation of what the 1880's layout would look like if placed on a current photograph.
[attachment 130915 todaywitholdphotooverlaid.jpg]
We've hunted this site on several occassions and have managed to turn up some nice old coins. However, they've been getting fewer and farther between the past couple years. Here is a pic taken after one of my last trips to the site.
[attachment 130910 afewnicefinds.jpg]
The corn is (once again) shoulder high. But we're looking forward to wandering around the stubble after harvest. HH Randy