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New member
Refering to the post on Changing coils on the CTX and McClods reply about the shaft splintering on the end.
Not sure if it was here or some other site but shortly after the CTX came out i remember reading a post about the quality of the acrbon used in the lower shaft.Poster stated he had experience in the building of carbon shafts etc. and that the carbon used in these shafts were of low quality and would not hold up.At that time i blew it off as an early bashing and moved on.Well seems that he might have been right.
I tried once to remove my shaft when i was thinking of buying a new one for my 6" coil but had problems getting it out so quit and decided it was easier to just change the coil. Well after reading McClods post i think will try again and see what i have. Either way i am headed to home depot with shaft in hand and see if i can find somthing that i can sleeve the end of the shaft with.
When i am hunting i change locations a lot and collaspe the rod between locations. Between that and changing coils i maye be battering it up. Will also start being a little gentler when i do colapse it.
Ya know it bothers me that i keep reading post about other problems with the CTX and having to return them for repairs. Paid a lot of money for CTX. I am retired and live on a fixed income. With everything going up ever day except my income has got me to thinking about once the warranty runs out what the cost of repairs might be.The little man on my shoulder keeps me thinking.
Could be also that once you get past a certian stage with the CTX the eletronics lemon factor is reduced and all will be good. Seems like a lot of the problems with the CTX are showing up when the machine is new.
Not sure if it was here or some other site but shortly after the CTX came out i remember reading a post about the quality of the acrbon used in the lower shaft.Poster stated he had experience in the building of carbon shafts etc. and that the carbon used in these shafts were of low quality and would not hold up.At that time i blew it off as an early bashing and moved on.Well seems that he might have been right.
I tried once to remove my shaft when i was thinking of buying a new one for my 6" coil but had problems getting it out so quit and decided it was easier to just change the coil. Well after reading McClods post i think will try again and see what i have. Either way i am headed to home depot with shaft in hand and see if i can find somthing that i can sleeve the end of the shaft with.
When i am hunting i change locations a lot and collaspe the rod between locations. Between that and changing coils i maye be battering it up. Will also start being a little gentler when i do colapse it.
Ya know it bothers me that i keep reading post about other problems with the CTX and having to return them for repairs. Paid a lot of money for CTX. I am retired and live on a fixed income. With everything going up ever day except my income has got me to thinking about once the warranty runs out what the cost of repairs might be.The little man on my shoulder keeps me thinking.
Could be also that once you get past a certian stage with the CTX the eletronics lemon factor is reduced and all will be good. Seems like a lot of the problems with the CTX are showing up when the machine is new.