I returned to a swimming hole that I previously hunted the wet and dry sand with my Fisher F5 finding my first gold ring (the "15 Anos" 14K ring shown below, and a junker), along with an early Mercury dime in the wet sand. This time I wanted to hunt in the water so I rigged up my Sovereign in a Sunray hip mount bag (wrapped in a plastic baggie to keep it safe), mounted up my Sunray S-12, broke out the sand scoop I bought last year, and on went the wader boots and away I went to the swimming hole.
I noticed that my quarter count skyrocketed this trip vs my previous trip of wet/dry sand hunting, but my nickel and dime count plummeted, while my penny count stayed close to the same (actually may have been higher this trip, because I quit digging zinc signals, maybe that's a mistake if jewelery could possibly hit where zinc pennies hit ??).
Am I correct in thinking that dimes and nickels are more prone to get washed ashore vs heavier quarters staying in water due to their weight ? Or is it just coincidence ?
Overall I think I did OK. Two sterling silver rings, one with green turquoise (I think), the other with hematites, a large 12K gold ear ring that I thought was another ring when I saw it in the scoop and an odd ring that was silver-plated copper (silver is mostly worn off now), with a blue enamel exterior (this was found in the wet sand near the waterline). It has a mark, but can't really tell what it is.
14K ring from first trip hunting just the wet and dry sand with the Fisher F5 (both were found in the wet sand):
The beautiful lake:
All the goods minus a pocket full of lead fishing weights (man those weights sound sweet when they hit - LOL!! and the usual trash:
Also found a 1941 wheat cent:
I noticed that my quarter count skyrocketed this trip vs my previous trip of wet/dry sand hunting, but my nickel and dime count plummeted, while my penny count stayed close to the same (actually may have been higher this trip, because I quit digging zinc signals, maybe that's a mistake if jewelery could possibly hit where zinc pennies hit ??).
Am I correct in thinking that dimes and nickels are more prone to get washed ashore vs heavier quarters staying in water due to their weight ? Or is it just coincidence ?
Overall I think I did OK. Two sterling silver rings, one with green turquoise (I think), the other with hematites, a large 12K gold ear ring that I thought was another ring when I saw it in the scoop and an odd ring that was silver-plated copper (silver is mostly worn off now), with a blue enamel exterior (this was found in the wet sand near the waterline). It has a mark, but can't really tell what it is.
14K ring from first trip hunting just the wet and dry sand with the Fisher F5 (both were found in the wet sand):

The beautiful lake:

All the goods minus a pocket full of lead fishing weights (man those weights sound sweet when they hit - LOL!! and the usual trash:

Also found a 1941 wheat cent:
