I just got my V back from Whites did a upgrade from 1.0 to 1.3 and the auido problem in fixed sofare from mono to stereo, But now with my
plug in 1/4" Jack headphones it gos back N forth from speaker to plug in H/F N the Live Controls in the auido is
messing up, Is thear a brand of plug in H/F the V Likes better?????????????? I tryed matching the On bord Speaker
Plug in H/F N Wireless H/F N the other Auido stuff with no Luck, Thank you 4R your Help, Mickfin
plug in 1/4" Jack headphones it gos back N forth from speaker to plug in H/F N the Live Controls in the auido is
messing up, Is thear a brand of plug in H/F the V Likes better?????????????? I tryed matching the On bord Speaker
Plug in H/F N Wireless H/F N the other Auido stuff with no Luck, Thank you 4R your Help, Mickfin