Really nothing special. Lots of junk that rings in enough to make you want to dig it.
Lets start with the piece of Ox shoe in the upper left. Came in sweet with the audio and digital was 42. Sen. at 28, Auto GB, run in All Metal. Depth was a measured 13 inches and clear tone.
The same for the iron ring far right except depth was about 5 inches.
The small aluminum disc bottom center came in as a zinc penny 32 and shallow.
Okay the Walker came in at 44, depth was measured 8 inches, sweet sound and a good lock on.
The 2 buttons bottom left both came in like Wheat pennies 30 and lock on. I have found lots of buttons and most will lock on good and range from 18 - 30 or 32 mostly.
The coin to the right of the Walker came in at 42 and shaky. Once I pulled the plug it locked on.
Hope this helps a little and if there is more info that you would like next time let me know now so I can log it for you. The ground will be thawed soon and I will be able to hit some old new places. The towns around me are most of 300 years old. Its hard to get the real old coins but I get lucky now and then.
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