That also holds true when you are in that real bad mineralized dirt. Use you threshold in all metal and drop it down to the - numbers vice 0 or + numbers and that will quieten it down some and knock out some of the ground flutter or wherring or as you say WoW. Try switching different freqs also. That will quieten it down some and you should be able to run a higher sen. I can run 70 to 80 sen threshold of -3 and a freq of 7,6or 5 with out any depth loss on the deep targets even in that bad black sand in all metal. I can't run in Dis. there due to all the small iron and the black sand. I hunt with a fast sweep as that helps also. Just be aware of the deep little quite smooth zip zips or any zip zip you will get when you are sweeping fast so you have to slow down a little. Ever small ZipZip you get investigate them. They could be a deep target or small gold target.
Also on my black sand beaches with the iron you can tell it real easy as the large iron will give you a long BAAAAAA audio and the small stuff will give you a Quieter BaDa audio or a pop of the audio. The corroded zinc's will even have a crappy zip zip.
Now my F75 does not run as smooth as my SE or Safari on the black sand beaches but I can dig twice the targets and get the same depth as the Explorers even in that bad A$$ wet black salt sand. It does not get as much depth as my Explorers/Safari with the 10X14 Excellerator coil but that is a 10X14" coil. Not apples to apples. However my F75 will find the small Gold better then my Explorers and that is a fact. That goes for anywhere I hunt. Dirt Salt water beaches anywhere. Period.
My F75 will false if the coil hits the sand and I lose some depth compaired to my Explorers. Not much. My 10X14 excellerator coil, that I use on my Safari and SE, you can drag it on the wet black salt sand and no falsing. Hell of a deep coil. Naturally when you can get closer to the wet sand the deeper you will get targets. The F75 sure is not a slouch when it comes to depth at the beach. 10 and 12"s is not my definition of being a slouch. I can usually run the sen at 80 in the damp black wet sand but, down at the waters edge I have to drop to 70/75 sen. I usually G/B in the damp wet black sand when I find the coin/jewlery line and work 10ft both sides of it. When the line runs out I just either go up or down 10 ft of the old line zigzag till I find it again and continue on.
When I first start looking for the coin/jewlery line I G/B in the wet sand, Not the sloppy wet sand and I hunt from the dry to the waters edge till I find the line then I G/B at the line and work it 10ft both sides. Any more then 10ft then the G/B gets out of wack. When the line changes then reG/B. BTW the Threshold in all metal does affect the Dis. mode as does the Freq. adjustment. So adjust both if your machine gets noisy in all metal till it quitens down.
G/B often and on my wet black sand I can usually get a G/B at 5+3 clicks and at the waters edge I can have to adjust it to either 0 or 0+ 2 or 3 clicks. Remember, again at the beach, each click between numbers, and there are 5 of them means alot when it comes to G/B. Also even in bad dirt. So don't over adjust you machine.. Hopes this helps some of you guys that want to hunt the beaches with the F75. Next time someone says the F75 don't hunt good at a salt water beach. Don't tell them nothing. Just post a

and that will be enough.


: HH Jerry aka Tinfoil