M.L. Hinds
I see so many asking about the Etrac and stewing about if they should get one.. Fellas, I asked the same question about 3 months ago give or take a few days! I am gonna give you my opinion (FOR WHAT ITS WORTH) I have been slowed down as far as hunting by mother winter and all! However, I did get some good hunting time in just before all this weather started and have to say my trash finds went way way down in that short time and my silver finds went way way up! And most of the trash I did find was either by my own doing trying to learn the detector in different modes or because ALOT of the coins I have found were in the hole with trash!! Alot of the coins I would dig and then scan the hole again to see if anymore coins were there only to have it null because a rejected target was under the coin!! I can honestly say I have not had the urge to buy any detectors lately because I know I have the best detector that is currently out!! Before I was always looking for something a little better (BUYING, SELLING, TRADING over and over and over) You guys know the fever I speak of!! From what I have seen with personal use, it is truely a gem!! You can buy 2 or 3 detectors and not be happy and I believe if you just spent the money on the Etrac you would be much farther ahead cause believe me you are gonna get one!! It's in your blood!! So get the Etrac ENOUGH SAID!!!!!!!!
M.L. Hinds (Lee)
I just purchased Andys book to keep me busy this winter!! I'm sure its well worth the money if you buy an Etrac!!
M.L. Hinds (Lee)
I just purchased Andys book to keep me busy this winter!! I'm sure its well worth the money if you buy an Etrac!!