Mon. I was accused of negligence in my duties as a CAD Designer. My former supervisior had instituted a program to loosen some tolerances to allow for cheaper tooling costs and help our suppliers to meet our expectations. The current supervisor didn't want the tolerances to be changed on a specific type of part. He and I got this worked out but 40 drawings were changed and had to be changed back. Somehow the Operations Director got wind of this and decided that someone needed to be blamed for this. The old supervisor isn't there anymore so quess who is now holding the bag. The O.D. gave me a verbal warning with a sheet of paper that I had to sign ackowledging that I had received the verbal warning and that I was quilty of the infraction. This happens at eight minutes until quitting time. I took a break to go back to work. Now I am home again. I made a letter at work explaining everything. I'll submit it Mon. morning. They will probably fire me before the day is out. They are a family owned company and they feel that they can do anything that they please. They will back the O.D. to the hilt. I don't think that I should have to put up with my name being trashed. If I do something wrong then OK. Not when the O.D. doesn't have a clue. The father that owned the company once fired a lady for not saying hello to him in the morning. A lady that worked there was going too get married and had scheduled her vacation for the Honeymoon. She went into the office to check just to make sure everytthing was set. They told her "you don't tell us when to take vacation we tell you. She reminded them that it wqas for her honeymoon. They wouldn't let her take the vacation time to go. I've been praying for years for the Lord to get me out of there and into a better job but it hasn't been his will. Even if I didn't protest this clueless action that would just be the stepping stone to find other baseless things to fire me. They don't care for anyone but themselves. Thanks for your time so I could sound off. Now I have to find an attorney with guts and his own bank account because I really don't have the money to fight this.
May God bless you all for your prayers.
May God bless you all for your prayers.