The Eastern Shawnee Nation is petitioning a federal court for 100 square miles of northwest Ohio. They really want some acreage to put in a gambling casino. Part of our city council and the mayor want the casino for the jobs that will produce tax monies that are desperately needed. They want to pass a resolution that they are willing to negotiate with the tribe on some land owned by the city and county. If they were to do that it would be a legal bidding agreement. The tribe could take it to court and show that there is no opposition in Lima for some land. When they would take possetion of the land offered by the city it would become the land of an other nation, litterally. It would not be a part of the United Stastes anymore either. Not under the laws of the United States. The State of Ohio did a study on the effect of legalized gambling on communities. For every dollar of money brought into the community it costs three dollars for the effects-treating gambling addition, broken families, increased crime and infrastructure. Infrastucture is roads, sewers, water, electricity, police, fire and maintenance.
I'll be trying to get veterans to be opposed to giving away the land of the United States. I want to also ask them if they think thast a company that wants to put in a factory wouyld ever consider building in an area that has such a temptation for their employees?
I'll have the privillage of the floor before council Mon. night. I'm hoping that we'll be able to pack the place out. I'm trying to rally some churches also.
May the LORD's will prevail.
I'll be trying to get veterans to be opposed to giving away the land of the United States. I want to also ask them if they think thast a company that wants to put in a factory wouyld ever consider building in an area that has such a temptation for their employees?
I'll have the privillage of the floor before council Mon. night. I'm hoping that we'll be able to pack the place out. I'm trying to rally some churches also.
May the LORD's will prevail.