You all seem to know your stuff about the X70 I just got mine two weeks ago At every turn or change in setting I'm getting worse off! I finally found a deep penny 8+"S but lately everything is 3"s or lower : ( MY XL pro can do that.) I have two coils the 6'DD 18.75kHz the 10X5' 18.75kHz elliptical DD and the stock coil I'm hunting in moderate to sum what higher mineralized ground as the Parks are next to rivers and I've dug black sand 200' from the river! an a lot of area with no ground noise anyway I've tried was skunked today until I switched to tracking with beach mode on and got 8 pennies immediately good right? well they were on the only at 1" I know I'm missing coins. and just haven't come up with a good setting VDI ( just sumps unless target is under 3"S) GB NC thresh hold all together I've been hunting on pattern 1 with threshold at 13 and sensitivity at 20-27 problem was I didn't record or pay attention when I dug my deepest coins. I'm getting allot of faint signals with no VDI an I'm digging a ton of trash simply bcuz I'm unclear if I'm missing something. any suggestions would be great. Just an all around good starting point/ coil to use or buy/ any of you who have had these issues before? at first my threshold was to low for those of you who hunt all around for a little of everything Parks/ freshwater beaches old sites ETC... wat settings do you use? any help would make my hunt tomorrow a lot better and I'm not even sure I'm GB right. thanks so much and good luck hunting! Grant