• Get a pen and note pad.
• Completely and carefully, read the Makro Racer Owner's Manual,
• If ANYTHING of interest is read, make note of the subject and page number.
• If you come across ANYTHING you do not quite understand, make a note of it and the page number. Perhaps put a bold
[size=large]?[/size] at the start of that note.
Once finished, try doing this:
• First, refer to the
[size=large]?[/size] market notes and re-read the Owner's Manual to try and find an answer [size=small](also make additional notes if you encounter something you missed)[/size].
• Turn your Racer 'On' indoors and leave it at the default settings.
• Use an assortment of common targets, ferrous and non-ferrous, and check the Racer's response when passing the objects past the search coil.
• Keep the targets in a commonly encountered relationship with the coil and waved about 3" from the center-axis of the search coil.
• Refer to things you jotted down that you learned, and maybe try to evaluate the ones you questioned.
Finally, with notes in hand for specific questions, make a Forum Post for help, or even e-mail any of us who you think might help clear things up for you.
staffydog33 said:
Had the Makro Racer with standard coil for one day now, haven't had a chance to get out with it yet.
But was just wondering if you could help me with a couple of things?
Before you get out hunting with the Racer, be sure to read the manual, do some indoor table-top testing to best learn the Racer's features, then ask questions as needed to make sure you will understand it better to get the most out of it afield.
staffydog33 said:
Weird noise coming from the machine when air testing with large, umm, paper clip?
"Weird noise" is explained in the Owner's Manual and is the Overload audio alert. The cause for 'Overload' is a bigger size target or the search coil being too close to a target [size=small](or the test sample being waved too close to the coil)[/size].
Also, how do you describe a
'large' paper clip?
Is it in the normal, ready-to-clip configuration?
Did you move it past the search coil's center axis as if it were laying on the ground in a proper relationship to the coil, or was it canted or 'on edge' when waved?
staffydog33 said:
arrow appears on far left of display, then fills with a black square almost, while doing this, makes a WEIRD noise which I can only describe sounds like a space invader,
The filled display area is in the area for probably iron or ferrous targets and is proper. The strange sound is the Overload audio from being too close to the coil.
staffydog33 said:
Second video is a Sterling Silver ring being waved over the coil. Does it display and sound how it's supposed to?
The display and audio are probably correct, but again, it depends upon the sample target's orientation to the coil. The round-shaped targets, like a ring or coin, etc., can produce some varied, inconsistent Target ID display VDI numbers if it is moved past the coil as if 'on-edge' or 'canted.' Be sure your initial testing is done with a consistent coil-to-target orientation and at least 3" from the search coil.
staffydog33 said:
I'll have to get out as soon as I can to give this beast a really good test.
My hint is to first do as above to know the Racer and try several indoor evaluations to understand the strengths and weaknesses.
staffydog33 said:
My last couple of detectors were the Garrett Ace 250 then the Garrett Euroace....how much better is the Makro compared to those?
Those were "beginner" or "entry-level" detectors, while the Makro Racer is a far superior performing unit. I've been at those great sport for over half-a-century and have had a few Ace 250's, but they went to younger folks just getting started in the hobby, and also more often going to only make periodic searches at the local park or school.
I take the hobby seriously and spend most of my time hunting some of the nastiest, most iron debris challenging sites you could imagine, and the Makro Racer's, Nokta FORS models, and some Tesoro models are what make up the primary-use detectors I rely on. You have one of the better working detectors in the industry today.
staffydog33 said:
Anyone else here come up from a Garrett to the Makro? Notice Much differennce in depth, more finds etc etc?
Depth? Forget 'depth' because many/most of what is offered today can achieve very comparable depth, if the settings are similar, the search coils also comparable,
and if a site is almost void of any targets other than an occasional coin. Once you add more trash targets to any site, target masking will increase and depth-of-detection will definitely be impaired.
Still, the Racer will get better depth in ideal conditions, and also unmask good targets far superior to the models you mentioned, and many/most other detectors costing up in the $1200 to $2600 MSRP price range.
I noticed you have only made 4 posts on the Findmall Forums as of the start of my response so take some time to get to know the Makro Racer and its capabilities, and share your questions and after-the-hunt comments so we can get to know you better as well.