I took this photo a few weeks back.
It is a photo of the water above the dam in the river that runs through the middle of my town.
It was a long exposure late evening shot.
I manipulated it with some software that I downloaded of the 'net and then saved it as a .gif.
Interesting effects...
I really had to downsize it to stay down around the size limit...
[attachment 73526 movingwatersmall2.gif]
It is a photo of the water above the dam in the river that runs through the middle of my town.
It was a long exposure late evening shot.
I manipulated it with some software that I downloaded of the 'net and then saved it as a .gif.
Interesting effects...
I really had to downsize it to stay down around the size limit...
[attachment 73526 movingwatersmall2.gif]