I just watched Bill Ladd's video on the new probe and it looks like the real deal. But, I have a few questions for anyone who might be using one. First, how does this probe interfere with detectors. I had a Vibra probe 570 that was a real pain when I used it anywhere near a Fisher f75 or Minelab xterra 70. I just could not get it far enough away to keep it from driving my detector crazy. As good as it worked, I sold it fast. Second question. Do you leave the probe turned on and just push the button when you want to use it or do you turn it off every time you use it? Third question. Does the probe need constantly tuned like the treasure mate probe? And finally how is the battery life? The probe seems to have incredible depth, but I prefer a probe with two to three inch depth. According to Bill's video, the probe can be adjusted for less depth which is a nice feature. The interference issue is my main concern. I currently use a Sunray probe on my Explorer, but I would like to decrease the weight of my setup. I have absolutely no complaints with my Sunray except the weight it adds to an already heavy detector. I welcome all opinions. Thanks R.L. Johnson