You are a lucky man to have received two very good dependable machines. Sounds like they are nearly brand new. Take your time and learn what they are telling you and you will have hours and hours of fun. The only thing you have to be concerned about after your first big hunt, is being so sore the next day you can hardly get out of bed.
Try this for starters: Turn it on and set sensitivity about 2:00, if you get a lot of false signals gradually back it off until they are eliminated. Set your DISC all the way counter clockwise, if you keep digging iron, you might want to increase discrimination to a point somewhere between 9:00 and 12:00. Your swing is about as important as your settings, keep it low and parallel to the ground, do not swing like a pendulum, keep it level. Speed is important, a good swing is about 2 feet per second. Listen to the tones, inconsistent bouncing around the scale is often junk, a solid consistent tone, locked in on the ID is usually worth a serious look. Always fill any holes you dig and clean up after yourself. If you throw pull tabs away, you'll just have to waste time digging them the next time you get out. And last but not least, share your finds and continue to ask questions. Be patient. With two new machines I think I would only take one of them out at first, spend some quality time with it. When you feel you've got a good understanding of what it's telling you, then learn the other one. Each machine has their own personality, no sense confusing the process by trying to learn two machines at the same time. Enjoy the Hunt!