These coils are just fantastic. There are 2 main methods of pinpointing with them. the first method is for coins to a max depth of 4 to 6 inches. Press the pinpoint button, go over the target, then draw it back towards yourself, wiggling a little as you go. The audio will drop of as the target passes under the 12 o'clock position of the receive (inner) coil. It's incredibly accurate and has 2 extra benefits. first, you can feel around a target very well with the toe of the inner coil, to work out it's shape and whether there is one or more targets. The second benefit is listening to the audio fade. The longer it takes a target to have the signal fade away, the bigger the target. Doesn't work if you are only 2 inches away from it.
The second pinpoint method is to use the cut out in the centre of the coil. To do this, press and hold the pinpoint button, go over the target,then once roughly located, come off to the side and release then immediately repress and hold down the pinpoint button. (This is called detuning. The only active part of the coil at this point is the front half of the inner coil.) You now also only have a signal that is 4 inches wide. This will make centering on the target very easy. Once centred, push the coil forward till you lose the signal. At this point slide the coil back till you start to hear the signal again and only move it about a quarter of an inch. At this point, your target Will be smack bang in the middle of the cut out! And will be accurate at any depth. if the coil won't point well at this point after a few attempts, it usually means that you have a large target under the coil and it won't be a coin or ring.
Have fun with it, you'll learn to love it.
Mick Evans.