I went to a grassy area by a local swimming pool to hunt.It is all fill dirt but it had quite a bit of clad.I need the practice learning the tones and meter ID numbers.I had problems with pinpointing.I'm use to VCO pinpointing and I was off quite a few times when I pinpointed today.Any pointers(pun intended).I had the switch in pinpoint then flipped it to All Metal to pinpoint targets.I'd X the target but I had a hard time figuring where the 2 lines in the X actually were the loudest and crossed.I dug 10 quarters,13 dimes,3 nickels,28 pennies and an old,old toy gun that was deep under a penny.I think it must have come in the fill dirt.It's from the late 30's,early 40's.Dug some trash just to see where it came in,tone wise and ID numbers on the meter.Half the plugs were semi frozen to frozen ground. Thanks Bill