Be sure to shop with the forum dealers and get it from one of them as they support the forum. You will find that they don't all sell the same item for the same price. All of them are good honest people to give your business to. They will also have an opinion based on their customer satisfaction and will tell you about that. I have the X-1 and the Garrett. If I was starting over, I'd just get the Garrett. I have a Tiny Tec, close to what the Harbor Freight unit is, and it'll detect a coin at one inch on a good day. The Garrett will give you 3" and the Pistol Probe will give you 4-6" depeneding on soil and who you believe. If you get the Garrett tape over the speakers holes to tame the loud volume on it. It'll vibrate in your hand to give you an alert you that you are over the target without emitting a loud squeal. Didn't think a Med student had time to do anything but study. Good for you..Relax when you can. The first 8 years are tough on rest. After that it gets worse. Terribly rewarding, personally, to help people get better. Thanks for doing something like that rather than being a CEO on Wall Street. Regards...Jim