Using Explorer for 4 weeks - today good strong signal in Discrim Mode, Sens 28, Ferrous Sounds,Setting DEEP... but indifferent and weak pin-point, could not seem to lock onto target....conditions - wet grassland. Not experienced this before..tried re-ground balance, no change.
Had the coil covered with polyethylene bag to keep out the wet..done this often but no problems before. No crud in the coil cover either.
Target was small button surrouded by well decomposed Iron...ie: Orange Dust more or less
Or have I in asking the question, found the answer?
Thanks in advance any comments...
Had the coil covered with polyethylene bag to keep out the wet..done this often but no problems before. No crud in the coil cover either.
Target was small button surrouded by well decomposed Iron...ie: Orange Dust more or less
Or have I in asking the question, found the answer?
Thanks in advance any comments...