Does anyone really use them on there tesoro's .......i feel like they pinpoint so well with all there coils without using the button. And when I run the cibola, and Vaquero with the threshold cranked there kinda pointless more curiosity ...... since they use analog tech, too bad they don't have old school style meters to show depth and VDI possibilities Incorporated with the pp button ......or is that just me ? I loved the old Whites meters, or have a newer style digital meter with analog circuitry.....then we would not have to thumb that disc know so there is all sort of suspense with that knob when your cranking it up and that smoooooth target sound is still there......ahhh how do I love that sound. Or even better have a detachable meter that can work with a bunch of other tesoro models...I'm over my head now...have a great weekend everyone and go dig some old and new BLING !