When in pinpoint, you can:
1) move the coil around and listen for the strongest response. You can also watch the pinpoint visual aid on the right of the screen as a bit of a help. With a bit of practice, you'll come to learn that the strength of the audio, can give you some insight as to how big a target is. The depth meter can also help to some degree, but it's often shows a greater depth, because there may be a second target deeper down that it's picking up.
2) Once in pinpoint, pull the coil closer to you in a slight wiggling motion. The pinpoint will drop out at the 12 o'clock position of the inner coil. Just double check that you have centred the signal to that spot.
3) You can detune the pinpoint button. Again, once and over where you have all the targeting icons lit up on the visual targeting aid; press the pinpoint button twice more. This detunes it and gives a much narrower signal.
4) As digger and others have pointed out in the past, there's always the prospecting mode. By hitting the prospecting mode, you have another very effective pinpoint button. Actually, with time patients and practice, not to mention, trying different coils, you can have varying degrees of success at figuring out the actual size of a target, via this method.
Enjoy you new machine.
Mick Evans.