Today I would push the pinpoint button to lock on the pinpoint and it would cut out all sound. Push it again and still no sound, do it several times and still nothing. Shut it off and back on and all was fine. Sweep over the target, push the pinpoint button again and no sound. No speaker, no sound in the wireless ear buds. Nothing til I shut it off and back on again. It seems to lock out all sound til I shut it off and back on. So, I did a bit of testing as to how to push the button, and it seems if I push on it exactly straight in, there was no issue, but if it was pushed on at anything near an angle it would shut off all sound. I was using the wireless and earbuds. Maybe the button should be on the screen. I am going to see if this clears up0 but I might have o do a return on it.
Anyone else hear of an issue like this? I am almost certain it is a result of the button getting pushed in at an angle of some sort.
Anyone else hear of an issue like this? I am almost certain it is a result of the button getting pushed in at an angle of some sort.