I took a bunch of photos today at a local WWII air show. Never done anything like this before so it was a bit of a challenge. One thing I did learn, and that is why the pros carry more than one camera to an event. Seems like I always had the wrong lens on for what was going on. As the day went on I got much faster at changing lenses but it was a major pain in the rump. Here are few of the more interesting photos. Some turned out pretty good and others were just OK. One thing's for sure, the more you shoot the more you learn. <img src="/metal/html/smile.gif" border=0 width=15 height=15 alt="">
Click on the link below to view the photos. I posted them on my companies web server to make the viewing a little easier.
Click on the link below to view the photos. I posted them on my companies web server to make the viewing a little easier.