Ken (Australia)
New member
Hi Angela, have attached photos of a few of my bottles. 2 X R.E.Marks, and a Huxley from Crookwell. 2 X B.J. ROLFE, Crookwell and a Mounts Patent from the 1870's (saw one of these on E Bay a while back and they wanted $800, don't know what it went for) and 2 X Cranfield from Young. These are a really beautifull Codd with embossing on the front depicting Moses striking the rock and water pouring out. All are from the late 1800's to early 1900's and I dug them in farm and town dumps. I've got an inn site lined up to go detecting at but am waiting for a bit of rain to soften the ground. Should be a dump or ash heap around there somewhere closeby.