ISO set to AUTO, had the camera set to correct for Flourescent lighting. And, I had a smudged lens! I didn't fiddle with the image at all, except for reducing it 60% from the original size.
This is one of 9 salads we served to the Board of Directors at the country club I work at. It's made of several different kinds of Hierloom Tomatoes, Buffalo Mozzarella, Parmesan Crisps, and a mix of fresh herbs tossed with a Truffle Viniagrette. The plate is decorated with Balsamic Reduction and Basil oil.
[attachment 33720 appheriloomtomsalad.jpg]
HH from Allen in MI
This is one of 9 salads we served to the Board of Directors at the country club I work at. It's made of several different kinds of Hierloom Tomatoes, Buffalo Mozzarella, Parmesan Crisps, and a mix of fresh herbs tossed with a Truffle Viniagrette. The plate is decorated with Balsamic Reduction and Basil oil.
[attachment 33720 appheriloomtomsalad.jpg]
HH from Allen in MI