Started to cut the grass this morning, when the electric mower started stinking, smoking then quit for good! It's about 15 years old, so I just parked it, cussed a little, then went to cool off in a local lake. It was off to a slow start with the finds, hunting mostly with the Infinium. My batteries died suddenly, and my backup batteries weren't charged last nite, so I used my other water machine. All in all, It was a nice hunt. I put on the wet suit and hunted both the deep water and the shallow water. The ring was down about 4-5 inches, and had a nickel stuck inside of it. Definitely a first for me???

Here's that Harley ring I dug out of the water. No stamps on it, but I am guessing it.s a high karat gold judging from the residue on my polishing wheel. I also am wondering if perhaps it was a home made ring. It just doesn't come across as being a perfect ring, especially those holes. And those Peter Fonda sunglasses. Kinda takes me back to the movie "EASY RIDER."