Pesos, Centavos, etc., and in some locations I hunt there is other 'foreign' coinage as well. Naturally, a lot will depend upon where you live and the percentage of Hispanic folks in your area. Not the one who have been living here for a long time and are a 'normal' part of our USA landscape, but an influx of those who shouldn't be here and/or those who made it here legitimately, but still speak Central and South American Spanish most of the time and have a lot of their friends and family 'visit' who haven't figured out this is North America and we speak American English.
Don't get me wrong as I am not racially or culturally biased as such, but we do have a lot of people in certain parts of many places, "Out West" at least, who just haven't given up on their homeland or done away with all their coinage. Lot's of places, like around Cornelius Oregon and surrounding western Oregon communities, or in many agricultural towns, like here in Vale where I live in far Eastern Oregon, where hard working Hispanics do, and have done, the physical labor most of our lazy American kids and young adults won't or don't know how to do or are willing to try and do. Just a separation of a short distance can make a difference, too. For example, Oregon Gregg lives in another but slightly bigger town than where I live and maybe a twenty-minute drive away, but he has a much greater 'Hispanic culture' over there.
When I get out and about in my travels and have been able to enjoy a lot of detecting here in Oregon, Idaho, Nevada, Utah and some other western states, and am able to put in a regular amount of detecting, I would guess I pluck anywhere from 5 to 20 'foreign coins' a month and the bulk of them come from parts south of our US border. Today we do not have the transient labor camps that were very full and bustling with farm labor workers back in the '50s through to about the '80s, and hunting around those places will definitely up your Hispanic coin count. There's one former labor camp site here on the west end of my town but it is so choked up with tall weeds I haven't even bothered to try and get permission to hunt it. But those earlier-use transient labor camps from long ago can hold some older US coins, especially silver, and are places I used to enjoy tracking down after they were no longer habitated and torn down.
I've spent about 58 of my 69½ years living in Oregon, mostly in the greater Portland area, and detecting back in the last half of the '60s and through the '70s the biggest percentage of 'foreign' coins were from Canada. By the time the time we hit '89/'90 Canadian coins made up maybe 25% of my annual 'foreign coin' recoveries, but through the '90s and especially this past twenty years 'Hispanic' coins can easily make up 50% to 75% of my annual 'foreign' change.
Naturally, 'site selection' can be a key if we want to up the number of coins that are not USA minted.