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Those of you that live or near the northeast or near Maine just wanted to share my experience obtaining permission about hunting surburbian parks or bigger town's parks, this is in the western part of the state which is very rural for the most part and this particular town of paris ME i went in today and asked if there were any bans on metal detectorists and she said no, but she said i was the second person that's asked within the week and before she could say yes she said she had to run it by the town's selectmen before approval and she got quite concerned and made the statement (well i'm not sure if i really want a dozen people tearring up the park) and i assured her that there wouldnt be no tearing up the park i even went as far and said i'll give the selectmen a demo on how to retrieve the target if need be and told her that any trash that we dig we take with us and tried to make it like a public service at the same time to persuede but i will find out tommorrow what the verdict is and will keep posted if interested just thought i would share this with fellow detectorist's