Friday after work, met with BadJim for a short hunt, first place we knocked at I nabbed a 1964 rosie, to keep my silver streak alive, got a couple wheats, 1882 indian and clad. We Tried two more houses but they were both duds, it was hot and muggy out, we should have just quit after the first
Saturday morning we started fresh in a different place. I have never door knocked in this town before, they have a college there from late 1800's and a ton of old houses with the flagstone foundation, everything looked good. I have had people on the forums from this area claim no one will give permission in this area to hunt yards, well I guess I proved that
First house was a sad disappointment, huge 1800s home right on Main st, large front yard, just looked awesome. There was absolutely no signals, now I don't mean just no good signals, I mean nothing. Not even pulltab signals. Someone had obviously cleaned this place out.
We knocked at two more places and got permission at both, everyone in this town sure seemed friendly to me. I got bunch more wheaties, 1867 and 1905 indians. I gave the 1905 indian to the homeowner. The two holed LC was only 3" deep as well as the 1941 silver quarter, which gave me like 15 hunts straight now with silver.
My favorite find of the day has to be the National Sportsmen watch FOB, found info online that it is from 1909, I think it is cool how the Bucks nose sticks out from the FOB.
Saturday morning we started fresh in a different place. I have never door knocked in this town before, they have a college there from late 1800's and a ton of old houses with the flagstone foundation, everything looked good. I have had people on the forums from this area claim no one will give permission in this area to hunt yards, well I guess I proved that
First house was a sad disappointment, huge 1800s home right on Main st, large front yard, just looked awesome. There was absolutely no signals, now I don't mean just no good signals, I mean nothing. Not even pulltab signals. Someone had obviously cleaned this place out.
We knocked at two more places and got permission at both, everyone in this town sure seemed friendly to me. I got bunch more wheaties, 1867 and 1905 indians. I gave the 1905 indian to the homeowner. The two holed LC was only 3" deep as well as the 1941 silver quarter, which gave me like 15 hunts straight now with silver.
My favorite find of the day has to be the National Sportsmen watch FOB, found info online that it is from 1909, I think it is cool how the Bucks nose sticks out from the FOB.