I dug this Civil War soldiers Identification Ring on April 9 2005. The ring is inscribed with "H. Williams Co.H 1st Rifles P.R.V.C.". P.R.V.C stands for Pennsylvania Reserve Volunteer Corps, and the 1st Rifles was part of the 13th PENNSYLVANIA RESERVES, 42nd Volunteers. This Regiment is one of the most famous Union regiments, known as the Pennsylvania "BUCKTAILS". The Bucktails fought in almost every major engagement with the Army of the Potomac. They even fought bravely at Antietam, and Gettysburg. I have done research at the national archives online and the Pennsylvania archive online and have a record of this soldier. His name was, Hutton Williams Co. H of the 13th Pennsylvania reserves/42nd Volunteers/1st Rifles. He signed on in 1861 at 19 years old and served his three year tour until the middle of 1864. I feel very lucky to have found this! Thanks for looking.