I have been hunting in a park that has quite a bit of trash and doing well with the finds. I usually only dig a few pennies that are not wheats because they ring 12 42 or below. On my last trip to the park I dug about twenty pennies that would jump between 41 and 43 and occasionally they would reach 44. I did not want to pass up readings that were between 41 and 44 because they were also reading +4" in depth. I was surprised at finding so many penny readings that high. I was using the small coil and manual sensitivity set at +1. The detector sensitivity was running at 14 most of the time. I have run manual at 26 in this park without much trouble and did not have trouble with penny readings jumping past 42. I was just wondering if others have occasionally experienced the same situation. Great machine...I am up to 21 silver dimes in this park. Unfortunately the park only dates to the late 30's.