rc2125 submitted a new listing:
Patriot waterproof Headphones ((( for simplex, anfibio, kruzer ))) - Patriot waterproof Headphones ((( for simplex, anfibio, kruzer )))
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Patriot waterproof Headphones ((( for simplex, anfibio, kruzer ))) - Patriot waterproof Headphones ((( for simplex, anfibio, kruzer )))
Sold my Anfibios that I was using and have these Patriot waterproof headphones that I converted from Equinox plug to Nokta Makro plug end type. The electrical workmanship is perfect inside, set screw type, wire solder tinned ends folded over, seated fully, tight, thread sealant, connectors are waterproof type then also filled with the same epoxy / potting compound that minelab uses in their coils. There are no waterproof headphones as loud and clear as Patriots, they are simply amazing...
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