I am 31 and am just finding out how the system works, how to contact politicians, how bills get passed, how the national/global economy effects me, etc. In order to have politicians who know the "people," they need to have come from a class other than the wealthy elite. The public eucation system is intent on readying students for college and then a civilian job. The system needs to spend more time on readying them for the political arena and enlightening them on how certain legislature will effect them when they start paying bills and trying to support a family. i guess it is better for the politicians if they keep the people ignorant and in control. i have written 3 letters to Hillary on different issues affecting working class people, with no reply. i do see tho that we have more freedom to protest without fear of getting shot or brutalized like in steel strikes of the 30's or civil rights movement of the 60's. i also see less citizens actually excercising that right in large #'s. I have never attended a protest or a march and I have learned it is my right as an American citizen to do so. It is not just some hippy, tree hugging, activist thing, it is a way to get people to listen. I myself plan on doing so. Anyway, it is up to us to keep the govt. in check. we can vote, use the internet to inform, write letters and protest. I just needed to blow off some steam, as i get madI am not doing more at this time, I'm glad politics are adressed on this forum and thank everyone who keeps us informed.