I have a 1901 , 1919, 1922, 1925, 1927 class rings and a lot from the 30's. I have had wedding bands dated from 1879. One signet ring was dated Christmas of 1913. Those are the neat ones. At least the dates tell you from around what time frame they might of disappeared.
Finding the old swimming areas and hitting rings and coins is GREAT!! A never been hunted park. I hit a lake this last summer and found 44 pieces of silver and 3 gold rings in one day. Another lake I stumbled upon some old 55 gallon drums and hit 18 pieces of silver including 2 walkers. Also hit a herd of 7 buffalo that day. The barrels held a dive platform off a state park in the 30's. Can't have those now, anybody gets hurt its the states fault. (STUPID COURTS)
I just found a lake were 2 canvas water slides took people out in about 15' of water!!! Haven't touched it yet. I am sure I will be hitting a bonanza of coins and rings from the 1930's. Research Research and more Research and a bit of accidental luck while hunting a lake is all you need. You NEVER know where they had floats, where boats tipped over, where they had diving boards on floats or looonnngggg docks that went out in the lake unless you find old pictures or accidentally start stumbling upon old pocket spills or a bunch of rings in one area that makes no sense.
A few years ago, I found a small park on a lake and went in it. I found a few gold rings, Indian head pennies and old toys off this park. Then I went with some fast searches in the water behind the houses. I hit one house where I found 4 gold rings and a bunch of silver religious medals. I invited a friend (BIGGG MISTAKE) more on that later, and we found more gold and silver and that spot is now void of signals.
REMEMBER, if you find an OLD beach, and you invite others, FIRST, when your done finding the old stuff its all gone, SECOND, nothing gets replenished, and THIRD and MOST IMPORTANT, If your friend lives closer and has other friends with detectors, Your private spot will be cleaned and cleaned and cleaned before you have a chance to go back.
I have THREE friends I can trust 100%. I have had a few that just wanted my spots so they could cash in and invite their friends. If somebody is willing to take me to their hunting grounds, I am willing to take them to SOME of mine. I still have secrets that I am NOT willing to share at this time. I have two lakes near Detroit that are just mine!!! Actually I have invited one of my closest friends to one of them.
One more SMALL thing. Any site you post on you need to watch what you say. LURKERS want your spots!! LOL I know that only TOO well. I met someone on here that wanted to dive with me. Took him ONCE. He wanted to go more BUT only too my spots. LOL He didn't have any spots. YEA RIGHT. You learn fast!! If YOU do the research or YOU stumble across a gold mine, they rewards are YOURS.
OHHHH one more SMALL piece of advice. BUT important. If you get permission to hunt in the water somewhere, DON'T come up with a bunch of great stuff and proudly show it to the person that let you in!! I found a beach on a private lake that cost 5.00 to get in. The FIRST time I went there my machine went absolutely BATTY. I found over 50.00 in coins and my machine wouldn't quit beeping. Since I paid to get in and it was a beach, I showed the owner of the property. HE wanted MORE money from me!!!! I learned to put any silver and gold in my booties and came up with new coins and put some in different pockets. BUT I told a friend and he invited a friend of his and they lived closer to the lake and soon all my targets were gone. INCLUDING 2 gold rings that I KNOW of and a Barber half. I have my mesh bag, 2 pockets on my BC and up my wetsuit sleeves, down my neck and in my booties to put good finds.
IFFFF I am asked to find something and I find it, they always get it back. I never want to come up, show somebody what I found and all the sudden they lost it or knew who lost it and wants to return it to them. LOL I came out of a public swim area with a 50.00 bill I found on the bottom. A 13 - 16 year old girl SWORE she had it in her BRA and called the police on me!!! LOL they came, I kept it BUT WHO needs the HASTLE???
AND if you post your finds and somebody asks you where you found it. NEVER tell ANYONE you don't know. That way a stranger can't PM you and tell you what lake they lost it in and describe what you posted in a picture. The ring in my avatar was found in Lake ST. Clair. ONLY my closest friends know where I found it. OHH do I have lots of stories!!! Anyway, have fun, get permission and be vague on what you find.
Find a ring or two and they are yours, Find a safe that was being pushed across a lake on the ice and fell in and is full of old gold coins and tell ONE PERSON??? LOL good luck in keeping even ONE CENT of it!!