[video]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jhbari0bLWA[/video] [size=medium]dicided to see whear a fresh bottle cap will disc out ,and a white gold ring and a yellow gold , and a silver quarter the cap gives a clipped sound at disc all the way back and is gone just past nickle the two gold rings are gone at foil , seems the magnitite in the ground of the medium mineralized dirt really afects the white gold and yellow but not so much the silver coin,, air test i can get the gold rings fine in disc set on foil but when placed in a real world situation its like the Iron in the ground , messis with the disc setting moving it up so I find it is best to keep it back as far as possible in order to get a white gold ring and yellow gold you will still get a signal on a fresh bottle cap for shure but advancing the disq to foil the rings go away or sound junky but it shure hits good on silver this also held tru for my GT in this same dirt and my blisstool if i disc out foil i loose white gold in this ground , somthing to be aware if you have more mineralized ground -[/size] Again at just past nickle the bottle cap went silent , if it had sat in ground a rusted my guess is it would disq out at a lower setting