got out whith the compadre today ,was hunting the commercial hotel lot and the compadre is the perfect tool for the job the ground is trashy but i have developed a way to get thru it what i do is dig to the bottom of the layer 8" to 12" deep and say 3 ft wide then just keep caving in the dirt then i go over it whith the detector and i hunt in all metal when i get a beep i first poke th magnet in and most of the time a nail will snapp on to the magnet if it does not i grab the dirt and trow it in a sifter today i found a nice brass cuff whith saphire blue glass in side and lots of nails i probly dug 12 cubic feet of dirt and have about 1000 ft left but i have already found 3 tokens 2 mercury dimes 1 V nickle and other intresting things like a 1953 dog tage that mike found i need help digging this site the most historical thing so far is an unkown minnesota token from the hotel which i donated to the Isainti historical cocioty