Out getting used to the Garrett Infinium this afternoon. I would search an area with the Infinium, then go over the same area with the ACE 250 to see what I missed and to ID targets that were too deep to dig. A cold NW wind was keeping the temperature at around the -15C mark, so I only lasted about 2 1/2 hours.
Today I learned that the Infinium reads an older copper penny as a "low-high" signal and a newer zinc as a "high-low" signal. "Low high" signals also include silver chains, rings and coins. Our Canadian one and two dollar coins also read "low-high", a real bonus
Out getting used to the Garrett Infinium this afternoon. I would search an area with the Infinium, then go over the same area with the ACE 250 to see what I missed and to ID targets that were too deep to dig. A cold NW wind was keeping the temperature at around the -15C mark, so I only lasted about 2 1/2 hours.
Today I learned that the Infinium reads an older copper penny as a "low-high" signal and a newer zinc as a "high-low" signal. "Low high" signals also include silver chains, rings and coins. Our Canadian one and two dollar coins also read "low-high", a real bonus