We left here at 6:00am headed for Ms.We stop in a small town (Springfield,La.) to eat breakfast.We made a few stops on the way.We stoped in Gulfport at a flea market,I took pic of the dune buggys there.We made a hole day of it.That was fun.We got back home just about dark.Here is a few pic
This My dune buggy #1,My son Brady #2,and my nephew #3
[attachment 99014 USA231s.JPG]
Brady's D.B.My other son Kenny is in Florida now,He couldn't make it
[attachment 99015 USA232s.JPG]
This one is my nephew John,He's got two of these,One for him and one for his wife,This one is for his wife
[attachment 99019 USA233s.JPG]
We have about 10 to 12 of them thing aroung here.I just finish building and engine for a fellow and got two more waiting to be rebuilt.
Ya'll have fun now
This My dune buggy #1,My son Brady #2,and my nephew #3
[attachment 99014 USA231s.JPG]
Brady's D.B.My other son Kenny is in Florida now,He couldn't make it
[attachment 99015 USA232s.JPG]
This one is my nephew John,He's got two of these,One for him and one for his wife,This one is for his wife
[attachment 99019 USA233s.JPG]
We have about 10 to 12 of them thing aroung here.I just finish building and engine for a fellow and got two more waiting to be rebuilt.
Ya'll have fun now