These are young recruits in Reception Phase (just prior to actual start of Basic Combat Training BCT) of their service to our country. [attachment 12103 Recruits.JPG]
Everywhere you look they are made to feel welcome...until their Drill Sergeants show up in a few days, anyway...
[attachment 12104 WelcometotheArmy.JPG]
Us old fogeys waiting for chow while bragging about how tough it was back in OUR day!
[attachment 12105 RetireesWaitingforChow.JPG]
Some things never change. I caught this photo just as a young grand daughter of one of the retirees ran back to their car to fetch something. Can't say these boys aren't at least observant. I swear there are a couple of 12 year olds in this group!
[attachment 12106 RecruitsWatchGirlGoBy.JPG]
While waiting in line I took some of the female recruits before us finishing their chow. The ones in the forest green BDU's (Battle Dress Uniform) are all from their state's National Guard. The Active Duty females are wearing the NEW issue BDU's in the background.
[attachment 12107 FemaleRecruitsEating.JPG]
Just a sample of some of the decorations in the Mess Hall...ummm...correction...Dining Facility!
[attachment 12108 RecruitsTurkeySpread.JPG]
Everywhere you look they are made to feel welcome...until their Drill Sergeants show up in a few days, anyway...
[attachment 12104 WelcometotheArmy.JPG]
Us old fogeys waiting for chow while bragging about how tough it was back in OUR day!
[attachment 12105 RetireesWaitingforChow.JPG]
Some things never change. I caught this photo just as a young grand daughter of one of the retirees ran back to their car to fetch something. Can't say these boys aren't at least observant. I swear there are a couple of 12 year olds in this group!
[attachment 12106 RecruitsWatchGirlGoBy.JPG]
While waiting in line I took some of the female recruits before us finishing their chow. The ones in the forest green BDU's (Battle Dress Uniform) are all from their state's National Guard. The Active Duty females are wearing the NEW issue BDU's in the background.
[attachment 12107 FemaleRecruitsEating.JPG]
Just a sample of some of the decorations in the Mess Hall...ummm...correction...Dining Facility!
[attachment 12108 RecruitsTurkeySpread.JPG]