I hunt almost entirely with the 13 inch ultimate coil, even in trash to most degrees. So I would probably start with that and if I found the site was too trashy, or that targets were mostly shallow, I would switch to a smaller coil (either the 10x12 sef if the ground isn't too trash heavy, or the 6x8 if it was heavy trash). Given the time and extended permission, I would probably go back over the site with the little sunray coil if I'd done fairly well up to that point. As for the good old stock coil........couldn't tell you the last time I used it. Not a bad coil, I just prefer the others. And for mode, TTF with a wide open screen and manual sensitivity of about 26 is usually my go to search method, lower sensitivity or auto plus 3 if there's a lot of trash. On old sites there are a lot of good targets that are not going to fall in the coin range so if you use a screen set up that notches a lot of the screen out, you're going to miss some goodies. Your question, though, leaves a lot of gray area. I've searched old home sites that were fairly clean with little trash and then I've hunted others (like one I'm on now) that does have good stuff but it's mixed in a blanket of nails/iron bits, farm implement parts, aluminum cans and slaw above that, and various other odds and ends. The big coil will find stuff in it but I'm going to hit it next time with the 6x8. Still using wide open TTF but my choice of coils depends a lot more on what is present in the ground than it does on how old the site is. If you've got an old site that doesn't have much modern trash mixed in, hunt it with the big coil and dig everything repeatable in TTF that is conductive. The more modern trash their is, the more you're going to have to make guesses and decisions on what to dig and what not to......depending on how much hunting time you have.