The detectors and digging equipment are on the way (UPS) the tickets are purchaced, and I think I am getting over the creeping crud that has kept me in bed for the last three days. My fever broke last night and I can now walk by the bathroom without running in and kneeling. There is a good chance that I may live! Heck I am even hungry enough to eat a greasy pork sandwich served in a dirty ash tray! I have not been eating since Wednesday and have dropped about 10 pounds.We have packing to do and the business to turn over to my son. Nancy and I are really going to do this, after years of procrastination. I can't wait to get into the Civil War area and swing the old detector! It will be very good to see the Cross family again and spend time with them. This could be an adventure folks, so stay tuned for more updates as the trip will begin in about a week. I am hoping to post some cool relics, but mosty, it will be good times with old friends!.. This will be fun. DC